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Supporting science-based decision-making for a sustainable future

March 30, 2023

Supporting science-based decision-making for a sustainable future

Image credit: PLOS Sustainability & Transformation

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Research Article

Media narratives on (Ecological) sustainability: A topic modeling analysis of entrepreneurship news in the MENA region

Amidst the increasing ecological pressures arising from industrial activity and consumerism, with particularly tangible impacts outside of the global north, the private sector is being held accountable to reduce its environmental footprint and transition to sustainable business models and processes. Nevertheless, perceptions of sustainability and its dimensions largely vary between cultures and contexts, while...

Image credit: kaboompics, Pixabay

Media narratives on (Ecological) sustainability: A topic modeling analysis of entrepreneurship news in the MENA region

Recently Published Articles

Current Issue

Current Issue June 2024


Research Article

Circular bioeconomy practices and their associations with household food security in four RUNRES African city regions

Achieving the United Nation’s 2030 agenda which aims, among other goals, to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, requires a sustainable resource use model deployed at scale across global food systems. A circular bioeconomy (CBE) model of resource use has been proposed to reuse of organic waste in agricultural production to enhance food security. However...

Image credit: pstr.0000108

Circular bioeconomy practices and their associations with household food security in four RUNRES African city regions



Haven or hell? A perspective on the ecology of offshore oil and gas platforms

Offshore oil and gas platforms (OGP) have been installed worldwide and initially with limited consideration given to the nature of their positive or negative long-term interactions with the natural marine habitats. However, as OGP reach the end of their useful life, with many being decommissioned and removed, it is timely to review the growing evidence of the association of marine biota with OGP to provide a summary and synthesis for policy makers and to give insight to...

Image credit: pstr.0000104

Haven or hell? A perspective on the ecology of offshore oil and gas platforms

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PLOS Sustainability and Transformation | ISSN: 2767-3197 (online)